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Health and Wellness (12)

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Search results in category Health and Wellness

Found 12 records | Showing page 1 of 2 pages | next page

Calm the Chaos - Regular Family Meetings focus on Positive Communication

One issue that can be a serious concern for families is a lack of positive communication.

How Stress Affects Reading Ability

There are many causes of reading difficulty which can hold a child back from achieving full literacy potential. One that is very common but often overlooked is stress. But everyone gets a little stressed now and then, right?

Animal-Assisted Therapy: A unique way of dealing with learning and behavior challenges

Animal-assisted therapy is new to our Canadian concept of counseling and it offers hope to the percentage of children and youth who do not fair well in mainstream therapeutic settings.

Don’t Let Your Candle Blow Out!

Published: 01/15/2007 by Marilyn Hahn B.Ed in Health and Wellness

I all too clearly remember the morning my candle blew out. As a teacher, I thought I could take my little light and change the
world. I prepped, planned, created, coached, trained, and cajoled each and every day.

Is your child especially sensitive to the tags on his clothing? Does your son have poor motor skills, including poor handwriting? Do bright lights irritate your daughter to the point that she cannot focus on anything else?

how do we help our children make smart choices that keep them active and keep us all sane?

Noise, Toys, Girls and Boys!: How Turning Down the Volume can make a Difference

“Beep! Beep! Beep!” sounds the alarm in the all too early hours of the morning. We start our day with a jolt of sound to wake us up and get us going.

Once Upon a Pose

Published: 04/15/2010 by Donna Freeman B.Ed in Health and Wellness

Once Upon a Pose

Everywhere those looking for a healthy lifestyle and physical workout are discovering yoga’s many benefits. Over the past few years, yoga has become increasingly popular in communities across the nation.

Hidden Disability: Auditory Processing Disorder

Published: 06/25/2013 by Bonnie Landau Weed in Health and Wellness

Hidden Disability: Auditory Processing Disorder

What is Auditory Processing Disorder? How can it affect learning and what can be done about it?

Insights into Reading Difficulties

Published: 06/15/2009 by Carmelle Watson in Health and Wellness

Reading is an essential skill in today’s society, yet many children experience difficulties with it.

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