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History (6)

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Found 6 records

A Mountie’s March West

Published: 06/15/2009 by Kate Schutz in Learning Resources

A Mountie’s March West

“I had a blanket taken from every officer and man last night, so that each horse was covered and protected from the cold rain and wind, which set in about 9 p.m. I begin to feel very much alarmed for the safety of the Force. If a few hours’ cold rain

Feathered Friends

Published: 04/15/2010 by Anita Yasuda in Learning Resources

Were they short-distance migrants or year-round residents? You promise yourself that tomorrow you’ll be ready for them with a pair of binoculars and a birding book.

Jerry Potts (c.1840-1896)

Published: 01/15/2010 by Kate Schutz in Learning Resources

Jerry Potts (c.1840-1896)

Warrior. Sharp Shooter. Interpreter. Scout. Guide. Whiskey Drinker. Murderer. Hero. Father. Diplomat. Peacemaker. Legend.

Banff National Park

Published: 08/15/2010 by Andrea Tombrowski in Learning Resources

Banff National Park

Banff National Park has a rich history. Earliest evidence of human occupation is recorded between 11,000-11,500 BC on the shores of the Vermilion Lakes and the man-made lake, Lake Minnewanka.

John A. Macdonald (c. 1815-1891)

Published: 02/15/2011 by Sarah Kitteringham in Learning Resources

John A. Macdonald (c. 1815-1891)

Canada’s first Prime Minister was a man who truly rose to the challenge of forging and governing a vast nation.

Bison: A Way of Life

Published: 01/15/2009 by Kate Schutz in Learning Resources

Imagine all the people that live in Calgary today. Imagine if all of those people turned into bison! That gives you an idea of how many bison lived in Calgary’s past!

Found 6 records