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Search results for October 2015

Found 3 records

Get to Know Contest

Students under 19 are invited to get outside and be inspired to create original art, writing, photography, videography or music for a chance to win prizes like art supplies, books, camcorders, and gift cards. Free.

When: 05/01/2015 - 11/01/2015


Website: http://www.get-to-know.org/contest/canada/get-outdoors/

phone: 250.980.3969

50 Book Pledge

Kick off a new year with a pledge to read 50 books. Read books, write reviews, earn badges and connect with other savvy readers online. Free.

When: 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015


Website: http://www.50bookpledge.ca


St. Mary's University

in School Open Houses

St. Mary's University

We welcome all interested parents and students to our open house. Take a tour of the campus, meet the faculty, students and parents and speak with them about their experience. All parents and students are welcome.

When: 10/19/2013 - 10/19/2016

Time: 10:00 am - 02:00 pm

14500 Bannister Rd SE Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2X 1Z4

Website: http:///www.stmu.ca

phone: 403.531.9130

Found 3 records